We cannot promote a just society while billions of nonhuman persons are being exploited for reasons that are wholly unnecessary.
See available posters »Gary Smith
About Gary Smith
Gary Smith is co-owner of Evolotus PR, a public relations agency working for a better world. Evolotus specializes in animal rights nonprofits and campaigns, documentary films, books, vegan foods and products, and other socially beneficial companies.
Gary has written about vegan and animal rights issues for Elephant Journal, Jewish Journal, Mother Nature Network, and other publications. His wife Kezia Jauron is a frequent contributor to The Thinking Vegan, as well as co-owner of Evolotus PR. They live in Sherman Oaks, CA with their cat Chloë and two beagles rescued from an animal testing laboratory, Frederick and Douglass.
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Quotes By Gary Smith
How You Can Help
1 Follow
The success of this project depends on you sharing the artwork we create. If you can, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest (we need to do more on Pinterest!) and you'll find out as soon as we add new poster designs and new quotations from the world's greater thinkers.
2 Share
Then don't forget to share anything you like on your favourite social networks. The more people that see what's being said, the better.
Let's push the message further out there.
3 Print
Print, print and print out what you like. Add one to that space on the noticeboard at work. How about that billboard on the way to the café? If there's room and it's legal, print out a few posters and tape them to boards, lamp posts and bus shelters.
4 Give
Got a friend's birthday coming up? Or just want to treat your sister? It's pretty cost effective to print out your favourite posters (even at a professional printers), throw it in a suitable frame and wrap it up - gift sorted!
Quote Of The Day
The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.
Charles Darwin